Friday, December 2, 2011

Another Perspective III

This time I'm interviewing my friend Chris, who plays games occasionally but doesn't really consider himself a "gamer". As usual, I'm asking him the same questions to get a different point of view on the same issues.

Jason: Do you consider games to be art? Why?

Chris: I’ve never thought of them as art. They seem more like a way to pass time or just to have some fun.

Do you think games are widely accepted as art in today's society, or do they still have a ways to go before they reach the same status as films, music, books, etc?

Some people do think they’re art but the majority probably don’t. It could just be that those of us who don’t play many games are un-informed as to what could make them art.

What is your favorite game that you consider art, and why?

If I had to pick one that I’ve played and that I might consider art, it’d be Rock Band. It’s not that you’re actually playing music in that game (because you aren’t), but the whole thing is based around music appreciation. Since music is art, the game could be seen as an experience in art appreciation.

Do you think it's important for games to provide an "experience" (i.e. with characters, story, emotion), or is good gameplay enough to carry the whole game?

I’m fine with just gameplay. It’s a ton of fun to play online shooters with friends, and that’s enough to carry a game for me.

When do you think games started to "transcend" being simple games to become art? Or do you think they've been art from the very start?

I’m not sure that they have “transcended” yet, but there has been a push for games to be seen as art recently. In that regard, I’d say that they haven’t been trying to be art until recently as well.

Thanks, Chris!

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